
The Quickest Way To Change Your Life

There will always be someone who will see the problems.

There will always be someone who will tell you “you’ll fail.”

There will always be someone who will make it their goal to drag you down with them to a life of mediocrity, and defeat, and hopelessness. 

That’s all fine and good . . . if you want their life.

Today, I spent 5 hours talking with one of the most motivational couples I have ever met.  They are passionate, brilliant, and hungry learners. They reach for the stars—and they touch them. They have the Joy of Christ I delight in, the travel schedule dreams are made of, and the day-in, day-out drive that gives meaning and purpose. 

I want to be like these incredible humans–we quickly became friends. 

I am going to pursue them, their ideas, and their input, in my life. 

People that excite and challenge you:

  • Are upfront and honest
  • Believe in you
  • Make you realize you can do anything 
  • They accept your failures, and tell you to fail more . . . fail the right way . . . fail forward.
  • They stretch your brain to places it dared not travel
  • They grow your vision–your perspective
  • They push you closer towards Christ 
  • The learn from you

People that belong to mediocrity:

  • Are subtle and sneaky
  • Remind you of your faults
  • Tell you why you should be comfortable where you are, “you’ll never get anywhere better anyways.”
  • Point out your failures . . . scare you from trying again 
  • Make you small-minded and petty
  • Talk about people, and problems
  • Encourage selfishness

Why do we sell ourselves short when it comes to friends? Why do we surround ourselves with people that speak of other people, and pop culture, and themselves?

Friends are the support network of life. Friend groups either push each other to greater heights, or pull each other down to a life of status quo and apathy.

Years of studies show we read what our friends read. We watch what they watch. We listen to what they listen to. We get excited about what they get excited about.

Today, being built-up, encouraged, and challenged in Jesus, entrepreneurialism, and intentional living, a thought hit me:

The quickest way to change your life is to change your friends. Selah.

But remember, our friend’s are never responsible for how our lives turn out. We choose our friends, therefore, we choose our destiny.  

The Kathryn Joy




P.S. Thank you to my dearest friends who have poured energy, life, and goodness into my life. Thank you for picking me up when I fall, and reminding me I can do all things in Christ. You give me passion and excitement, and I only hope I can in some way be the same support to you. 

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6 thoughts on “The Quickest Way To Change Your Life

  1. I appreciated this tonight– thank you for sharing! It is a new month, and God is calling me to live more this month than I did last month– to work harder to bless those in my life, to forsake the lies that I have been believing about myself, and to pursue Him deeper! God is so good!! ❤️ Blessings to you Kathryn in your pursuit of God, and “life more abundant and free”! ❤️

  2. Thank you for this very important reminder about who we surround ourselves with and the impact they have on our lives!! 🙂

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