
5 Things I Learned Being Pregnant

It seems like just yesterday I was blinking my eyes rapidly and hyperventilating at the glowing digital “yes” staring back at me. Yet, here I am, 8 1/2 months pregnant, strangely attached to the bowling ball bump that makes it difficult to bend over without passing out. Nothing seems more natural than getting little kicks and jabs in what used to be my quiet stomach, and each new change doesn’t surprise me anymore.

Although I personally witnessed my mother being pregnant 10 times, it seemed like everything was new territory when I began my own journey to motherhood. Here’s five things I learned being pregnant.

1. Morning Sickness is a Joke

I don’t know who came up with term “morning” sickness, but they were a true optimist. For me, sickness was strongest whenever I was tired, which was often all day during my first trimester.

(I didn’t figure this out until around 12 weeks, and kept trying to live like I wasn’t using all my energy to create a life).

If nothing was staying down, lemonade and Taco Bell bean burritos were my best bet. Sorry, child.

2. People Will Comment A LOT on Your Body

“You’ve changed so much.”

“You don’t look pregnant from behind.”

“How much weight have you gained?”

“You don’t look fat . . . you just look husky.” (From a particularly good friend.)

More than ever, people are going to be giving their opinion on your changing body. You’ll find nothing is off limits. I didn’t mind at all . . . because obviously it was on the forefront of my mind! However, be forewarned. For some reason your pregnancy makes people comfortable sharing the weirdest TMI about their own bodies and births.

When someone told me I looked good, it meant more than I ever thought it could. Even if they were lying. I didn’t care.

The best time to lie is telling a pregnant lady she looks good.

3. You May Have a WAY Different Experience Than Your Mother

I assumed I would get varicose veins because my mother and both grandmothers struggled with them. However, I didn’t worry at all about stretch marks, because, after all, they’re mainly genetic, right?

Mother’s skin is flawless.

Well, while I still don’t have any purple veins streaking up my legs, I do have scars resembling claw marks on my body.

My mother didn’t throw up during pregnancy . . . I lost 10 pounds my first trimester from lack of “food retention.” Mother had trouble sleeping . . . I’m two weeks from D-day and still sleep like a rock. While our pregnancies do have some similarities, my pregnancy has not been just like my Mother’s.

Just know, you don’t know, until you experience pregnancy for yourself.

4. A Supportive Husband Is Underrated

Elisha loving me through this radical journey has allowed me to love myself. I cannot imagine undergoing this journey without him.

5. Anything Stretchy or Baggy is Automatically “Maternity”

Most of my maternity clothes are XS dresses that highlight my maternal curves, or XL garments in the women’s department. While I do have some staples like maternity jeans, and a few shirts, big sweaters paired with tight tank tops, or tube dresses did the trick.

Poorly proportioned “regular” clothes fit my growing bump perfectly.

Closing thoughts.

I look at pictures of myself just 8 months ago and think, “there was a time when I didn’t have this bump? There were days when I could jump when I played volleyball? I actually fit my feet into those heels?” 

The time of “just Elisha and Katie” is drawing to a close, but I couldn’t be more thankful for God’s timing.

I never imagined how pregnancy would humble me, give me a sense of vision for motherhood, force me to rely on the Lord’s strength, or knit Elisha and my lives together.

Now, to bring this child safely earth-side . . . 

What are some things you discovered during pregnancy?

The Kathryn Joy




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