Lifestyle Hacks

What to do When Facebook Leaves you Hopeless: Call my Mom ;)

Jenise Johnson
This, is my Mother.

Twenty-five years later, her hair is a little less Farah Faucet, but everything else remains the same.

I want to mention her, because in this world a lot of darkness is going around. The human race has always struggled with discouragement, but in this day and age more and more Christians are battling the negativity of our government, our country, our world.

It’s hard to see our country spitting in Jesus’ face. It’s hard to see rights we once had floating away. It’s brutal to see standards and morals becoming nonexistent . . . to see society valuing sex more than life.

I admit, I have worried about someday bringing children into this confused and destroyed world. I’ve struggled focusing on the positive.

Other people must be feeling this way too, because for the past couple weeks, our phone has been ringing off the hook. Over and over I hear my Mother pick it up, and begin quoting scripture.

“He has not given us the Spirit of fear, but of hope!”

“In God we are more than Conquerors.”

“Trust in the Lord and wait patiently for him.”

“It doesn’t matter what happens in this world. The righteous won’t be moved! God has a remnent and he will NOT forsake us!”

“We were born for such a time as this.”

“In HIS presence there is fullness of joy.”

This is truth. This is supernatural strength. We have a reason to hope: Jesus.

To those of us who struggle with the temptation of one-way tickets to Costa Rica, let’s remember, we have a Savior. He can and will save us from ourselves. He can and will save us from our thoughts. He can and will save us from our circumstances.

No matter how dark the world gets, we have hope.

Share that hope.

Thank you Mommy, for yet another lesson learned from your example.

The Kathryn Joy


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6 thoughts on “What to do When Facebook Leaves you Hopeless: Call my Mom ;)

  1. Awesome post Katie!
    I heard a sermon preached about how important it is for our generation to have kids and raise them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord! It’s one of the biggest way we can impact society.
    It might be the start of persecution for Christians but it also gets me excited because when we look at history we see that whenever the church came under persecution it flourished and true Christians stood strong and they saw the hand of God work in awesome ways!!
    I’m always encouraged by your blog! Keep it up ?

  2. I notice that your mama uses scripture when she encourages people, Kathryn. The Word of God is life giving and hope giving. I have recently memorized Psalm 91 and highly recommend it to all saints. Our God is a very present help in trouble and he saves, delivers, redeems.

    Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he has done for you. (AND he will continue to do!) 1 Samuel 12:24

    I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and my fortress, my God; in him will I trust. Psalm 91:2

    Thank you for this reminder. 🙂

    Lots of love,

    1. Grams, you are another example of an amazing woman who quotes scripture and believes it! 🙂 Thank you so much for reminding me of this wonderful Psalm. I love you!

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